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Gift Card


Use the drop-down to choose an amount.
Get Gift Card in your billing email

Or choose to Send as a Gift to someone else’s email.

  1. Enter the email address of the recipient.
  2. Type a short message.
  3. Choose a date for your Gift Card to be delivered (default is immediate).

To redeem, enter the card number when checking out.

Returning customers can add the gift card amount to the balance to their account on the My Account page.

When considering the amount…

  • $10 Gift Card: Perfect for Membership Cards – Step into the Turtle Club with ease.
  • $89 Gift Card: Lifetime Honorable Membership – Join the ranks of Turtle Club elites.

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Explore the world of Turtle Club with our versatile range of gift cards, perfect for every Turtle enthusiast! Whether you’re initiating a new member, celebrating an existing one, or simply indulging in Turtle Club memorabilia, our gift cards cater to all your needs.

– $10 Gift Card: A gateway to membership! This card covers the cost of our official membership cards, making it a thoughtful gift for those ready to join our distinguished club.

– $15 Gift Card: Tailor-made for accessory lovers. This denomination is great for picking up unique Turtle Club accessories like lapel pins, decals, and more, adding a subtle but significant touch to your Turtle collection.

– $25 Gift Card: Embrace club spirit with our stylish member’s shirt. This gift card allows you to own or gift our exclusive Turtle Club shirt, a symbol of camaraderie and pride.

– $35 Gift Card: The perfect blend! Mix and match various items to create a personalized Turtle Club set. Ideal for those who love variety.

– $50 Gift Card: Dive into a sea of choices! This gift card provides access to a wide range of Turtle Club merchandise, from apparel to collectibles, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

– $89 Gift Card: A lifetime of honor. This special card grants a Lifetime Honorable Membership in the Turtle Club, a prestigious status for those deeply dedicated to the club’s ethos and community.

Each gift card offers flexibility and freedom of choice, making them the perfect present for friends, family, or even yourself. Embrace the spirit of Turtle Club and share the joy with our gift cards!

Additional information

Gift Amount

10, 15, 25, 35, 50, 89


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