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Jamie Elliott
United States
We had 2 5ths 1 Hennessy and 2 belvedere my wife love that belly back then and we was in my daughters room away from the bigger party in the living it was about 8 of us that wanted to join. Awwwww lawd the answers my wife's drunk friends it was hilarious but it was ridiculous.. and I'm trying to get a card I lost mine from years ago
Amos Tunstall
United States
Hatched by Dave in 2018 over phone, was a over the road truck driver
Mike Gilpatrick
United States
Way back in 1972 while attending a party with friends I was honored to be inducted into the Turtles. Now after all these years I have made it to Imperial Turtle and am still going strong. Many friends have been made and our Pond grows even bigger! Our local Lodge has begun making Brothers Turtles and awarding Masonic Turtle pins.
Susan Hinckley
United States
Layla Wylie
United States
My husband is a Turtle and invited me! Our local pond is growing!!
Kevin DeLaruelle
United States
United States
I was originally inducted into the turtle club in 1977. Membership card long gone, however, to this day I have never forgotten the password! 🐢
Bradley Larsen
United States
Leslie Ferguson
United States
Being a Mason, I love being part of a fraternity and a drinking fraternity sounds like my kind of group.
Marsha M Head
United States
Jeffrey Renner
United States
Justin Jones
United States
I found my Grandpa's card. Frank B Webb
Trudy Crisler
United States
United States
Greetings my dear brothers and sisters. I started in Ponce in Puerto Rico. I belong to the largest fraternity in the world, which is Freemasonry. From Montes de Sion Pond #7 I was initiated on September 16, 2016 by brother Carlos Degro and Julio Camacho.
Eric Vaughn
United States
In Memory of my late Grandfather Robert Truman Vaughn Master Sargent USAF Vietnam.
To honor his memory and keep his spirit alive.
Tristan Brown
United States
I had heard about Turtles before, as somewhat of a joke. After I went through my Masonic degrees, I decided to search the web and join!
Cid Arceneaux
United States
Daevion Gibbs
United States
Maddie Azevedo
United States
Dennis King
United States
Jason R. Harrison Sr.
United States
Jeri Henderson-Downing
United States
New York
My husband made me a TURTLE.
Bryce Ripp 32
United States
After Many years in the Masonic community I was Drawn to the Ancient and Honorable order of the Turtles .
Its fun and secretive nature interested me and attracted me .
I Applied and was accepted in. I look forward to establishing lasting friendships worldwide within the group.
Maynard Edwards
United States
Found through a FB post from a friend
Nick Reed
United States
United States
Psula Kay
United States
Steven Walker
United States
John Fluke
United States
Pamela J Stephens
United States
United States
A Mason from Texas posted a message about the Turtles on the TX Freemasons FB page. I was intrigued!
Edward Ridgeway
United States
David Schutt
Vincent Woodley
Bradley Giebel
United States
John Pacente
United States
My High School English teacher's dad was a pilot. She had all of her students become Turtles. She was never afraid to answer the question, even in front of our principal. The students on the other hand had to abide by the school rules, I miss the 70's.
Tamila Wilhelm
United States
While spending time with my Aunt Tillie she asked me if I was a turtle, I was about 16? Of course I was not. She shared the story of owning a jack ass and having to buy a drink. Money goes to charity and I was hooked. I've been a Turtle since 1981!
Micheal Roberson
United States
Became turtle in 1997,in Winton Salem NC,the night after I became a shriner,while stationed at Ft Bragg ,NC
I hope tostart a large group of turtles here in Philly.
Sarah Hansen
United States
Aaron Malcolm
United States
United States
Kelly Brown
United States
Debbie Allen
United States
I grew up a Space Brat in 1960s Brevard County, Florida. Of course, there was Wally Schirra and the whole turtle joke that became a part of our culture. A few years back I created a Facebook page called The Kids of Apollo for those like me -- many the children of aerospace workers at KSC -- who were raised on Brevard County beaches and space lore. Turtle jokes surface regularly on our Kids of Apollo page.
James Elder III
United States
Abraham Metz
United States
Hanging out one night after a masonic lodge meeting, we met some fellow turtles enjoying some beers. they invited me and a few others to join.... The Rest is history
Dca carfe
United States
David Labens
United States
Jimmy Yen
United States
Dan'l Adams
United States
Tawny Richardson
United States
Blake Bolling
United States
The night before my college graduation in 2014, a few of my buddies and I were invited by one of my fraternity brothers.
Brian Kenny
United States
I was made a Turtle in 1981 by a masonic buddy of mine! I made my cousin a Turtle on July 4th of 1981 and he carried the card in his wallet for 41 years until his recent death. I lost my card so I just rejoined!
Riva Neam
United States
I became a turtle when I was in college, 49 years ago. My friend and I met a turtle and became turtles. The years flew by and yesterday I was walking home from work and I saw a bumper sticker asking Are You a Turtle? I tapped on his window and said
You Bet your Sweet Ass I Am!!! It’s about time I got my turtle rating back
Austin Whitlock
United States
Alexander Elder
United States
Adam Evans
United States
While stationed in Darmstadt, Germany in 2002. I had the honor of being accepted into the greatest fraternity on earth; that of Free & Accepted Masonry... After years of progressing in the ranks, I was honored with receiving the Ancient Honorable Degree of Snapping Turtle immediately following my initiation in the Magnanimous Order of Knights Templar..
Having traveled the world for years, and creating new Turtles at every opportunity I could, counting well over 600, myself and 2 other brothers made the decision to form the very first pond in Houston Tx in 2009... Aptly name "Bayou City Pond #1"
Richard Levitski
United States
Milton McManus
United States
Prince Hall F.&A.M.
United States
Tony Wintz
United States
Jason MacKeen
United States
Fernando Martinez
Mario Pilicic
Jay Tody
United States
Three years ago at Danny's bar in daytona beach
Pamela (Pam) Lyle
United States
My car license plate is trtlclb. I had this before I knew about the turtle club, my husband and I, were approached by a guy in the CVS parking lot who asked us if we were turtles. Once we learned about the organization, we knew we had to join. And we have been glad for that decision ever since.
Kevin Hall
United States
Kelli Harding
United States
Christine Johnson
United States
My (then future) father-in-law inducted me into the turtle club in 1977. My husband and friends also became members.
Jeff Bruce
United States
Terell Torrence
K.F. Kitchen II
United States
Gerald Metz
US Minor Outlying Islands
Jesse Vargas
United States
David Kyzer
United States
They said I wasn't turtley enough for the turtle club but they were wrong
Stacy Andersen
United States
My dad was a member before I was born 55 years ago. He also collected turtles. I had his original black and red or orange folded turtle membership card but fear I may have lost it. My dad passed 35 years ago and becoming an honorable turtle is a great way to remember and memorialize him for me. Today, I was thinking about the answer to the question, "Are you a Turtle?" I looked up the Ancient & Honorable Order of the Turtle online and much to my pleasure, I found you!
Jim Weaver
United States
Can’t really remember, a friend from the 70’s. Remember going to a Turtle dance and doing the turtle
Cody Baumgartner
United States
On 6/10/2023 six existing fraternal Turtles formed a Pond in New Haven CT and brought up over 25 new turtle hatchlings. Since that time we have brought the values and excitement of the group around and through to new turtles in Torrington and now back home to Ellington at Frog Pond 287!
Carl Armijo
United States
Peter Cavanaugh
United States
Michael Bledsoe
United States
Wayne Thompson
United States
At a gathering after a shrine function.
Bryon Curtis
United States
Barbara Krzewicki
United States
Bruce Longmuir
United States
On the search to find a community to have gatherings, with like minded people, a dear friend and fellow turtle had shared a link with me to be the best turtle that I can be.
The idea of being a Turtle also greatly reminds me of "Master of Disguise".
Sammi Stegall
United States
I was driving at the lake, as I am a delivery driver for fedex. One of my customers that I had never delivered to before asked my name after joking around and having a job time! He didn't catch my name the first couple of times, he kept thinking I said Tammy. Thats a normal thing for me haha. So I just said Sam for short. He said nice to meet you Sam, I said same to you. I was getting in my truck to go about my way and he flagged me down to tell me the story of the lady named Sam who invited him to be a turtle 🙂
Justin Steward
United States
Curtis Alton McAllister
United States
I became a Turtle in 1986... Through an Ancient Order of Traveler...
Brian Bolt
Bloop Bloop! I first became a Turtle in 1985. Many years later, the Lagerhead Turtle Pond was founded by myself and others in the summer of 2021 during Covid-19. We are proudly headquartered at Coop's Smokin' Wing House, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. Our membership is slow moving, healthy and growing.
William 'Hawk' Bennett
United States
I became a proper Turtle after learning the proper etiquette & education at Aledo Square Dancing Club in 1990. Over the years, I had been involved in initiating a Turtle here and a Turle there, UNTIL I joined and became a Texas Freemason. Since then, I have become one of the Primary Initiating Officials at the Annual Waco Gathering of Turtles during the Texas Grand Lodge Communications each year. I have been involved in bringing to the Ancient Order of Turtles over 50 new Turtles each year. Therefore, I have taken on the title of Master Imperial Turtle by rights of Initiation and Raising of Turtles to the Ancient Order of Turtles 🐢 for over 30yrs. Creation of the Texas Brush Country Pond was made in 2018.
matthew Lepperd
United States
A friend told me that veterans started this years ago,. It sounds like my kind of thing.
tommy pinkard
United States
United States
Judi Ryan
United States
Jason H Sanderson
United States
I became a turtle at a meeting in Maine in 2010 (?).
I was not very active, until I attended an event with some friends and joked about being a turtle. They fell in love with the idea, and we started our pond in 2022.
Since then, I have been asked to create turtles at various Masonic, Shrine and other events, and we have all found ways to really have fun with this!
Timothy Webb
United States
Prentece L. Booker, Sr.
United States
Dave Crabill
United States
My dad served in the Air Force and spent forty years in the Aviation industry. The tradition of the Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles was upheld by him and he grew a global network through aviation. Forming Turtle Club Us was a way to honor my dad's memory. It makes me smile to picture him procuring Turtles in any setting.
The community of Turtles is motivating and I'm happy to be able to apply the skills of my team to develop this website as a resource and tool to keep the tradition alive.
Don't hesitate to reach out. Now, go forth and procure more Turtles!
Bray Barnes
United States
1967 ROTC cadets with whom I worked at Scout Camp recruited many of us.
Chris Maher
Hi Fellas,
I'm a Master Mason from UGL NSW/ACT (Australia) who heard about you online and 'Turtle' happens to be the nickname of my 2nd son, so had to join.
Noble Dr Aasim Zaher Miller El
United States
John Linehan
United States
Rick Smith
United States
Initiated by my brother in 1981. Have spread Turtle across my time in the college, Air Force, and thru our family. I welcome the 3 am call to inquire "Are you a Turtle?" but more often than not, I am the one calling.
Daniel . K Downing
United States
New York
Online thru your website. I’ am a Freemason and always wanted to be a turtle. But I couldn’t find anyone to make me a turtle unfortunately.
Paul Steelhammer
United States
Cord Ivy
United States
United States
I was contacted on Facebook and Joined!!
Eddie Williams
United States
Melissa Pappas
United States
Colin Bousman
Zachary Jimenez
United States
At the Minnesota Masonic campground in July of 2023. Myself and two other brothers from Aurora Lodge 100 became turtles thanks to the incoming Grand High Priest of the Knights Templars in Minnesota. What an amazing experience.
Charlie Dodds
United States
While at a Municipal Government conference, I was approached by a Turtle and invited to join.
Claire Weatherston
United States
Anne Johanson-Wright
United States
My uncle was a Lt Col in the Air Force, and flew all over the world as Navigator on Air Force One in the early 70's and my dad was buddies with astronaut Scott Carpenter in the late 60's when he worked at North American Rockwell, so my mom had both International and Interstellar membership, she and my uncle both officially initiated me and I inherited her Interstellar membership card. I have recently initiated a few new members of our favorite local badass "drinking group with a musical problem" The Boilermakers into an unofficial "puddle" at our local American Legion Hall. I would LOVE some swag to share with my new pondmates!
Brian Caldwell
United States
I went to a social gathering and I don’t remember the rest lol
Cris Advincula
United States
It was the early 2000s (2003 would be my guess), when an ordinary weekend at the bars changed my life forever. After a few drinks, one of my companions asked the question "Are any of you guys turtles?"
Confused by the inquiry, I said "No, but what do you mean?" I then underwent our mystic initiation rites. Then details of the evening were fuzzy at best, but I knew from that point forward that my diabetic donkey would guide me on my way.
Timothy Hoiles
United States
My dad gave me the test years ago. I have now decided at age 70 to make it "official"
Robert L Rice Jr
United States
At the TAMIN Temple 155 Western roundup on July 5 2024 gathering. We became turtles during a line of questioning and small ceremony.
United States
Chuck Saytor
United States
West Virginia
Through a Masonic Organization called El Tor Grotto Wheeling West Virginia.
Stephanie Pula
United States
Hey There Turtles!!
So once upon a time, My turtle love and myself had traveled far up to the beautiful northern Minnesota to visit my grandparents. We were in Waskish and was getting our certificate from Smokey the Bear for the Ancient and Honorable Order of Squirrels. When we shared this exciting news with my grandmother, she had opened our mind and hearts to the Secret Turtle Club she and her sister have been a part of for many many years. We had asked how we are able to become Turtles and she called her sister and together they had brought us in on this amazing world.
My Turtle love and myself also are admins of the newest, yet growing incredibly, MN Motorcycle Communities known as Minnesota MotoChill Riders. We encourage our riders to be Chill and Open minded and kind. Our friend and my coworker is actually the Founder of this group. We plan to make some good turtles out of them.
So to my grandmother, Shelly, (yes that is her actual name 😅) I personally want to say THANK YOU for procuring us into this long lasting and special secret society. I Love You!!
Kristen Seaman
United States
I was cleaning through some old papers and found a card that belonged to my dad and it was a blank membership card but I a read it I felt like it was my destiny to find this club but I also thought it was way to good to be true. So I did some research and found that it was a real organization and so here I am 🫶
Randall Scott
United States
I was at a Masonic weekend in Philadelphia, PA and heard they were making Turtles, i wanted to learn more, once i was in the room I never looked back. I became a Turtle in May 1992. Since then I have procured well over 150 turtles. It's rewarding to be able to give back with such a small investment into the lives of those in need.
Lloyd Johnson
United States
Initiated by a good friend at a charitable fundraising event.
Susan Pickett
United States
My Mother became a Turtle in the early 70's. I became a Turtle soon after. I have and and will continue my quest to find fellow members. Mostly gray hairs! Lol Meeting folks snd putting them off their guard is immensely fun. I just found my Mom's membership card. She would give out .cards after she got a new member. Collect the money and send it in to headquarters. She was a hoot! I only know I will continued her efforts. Thanks for always making my laugh!
Blayne Stearns
United States
My friend and Masonic brother, Tyler, decided to tell me he had riddles for me to answer randomly and BLOOP BLOOP.
C L Timm
United States
James Lyle
United States
Anne Warren
United States
I became a Turtle on my first flight after graduating from Eastern Airlines Flight Attendant Training. I knew at that moment that I had chosen the right path!
Stacey Marseglia
United States
My husband told me the story about the Ancient Order of Turtles and I immediately knew I was destined to be a turtle. I love that astronauts were turtles!
Christopher Crase
United States
Randee Moody
United States
I heard a fella asking the weird questions at a tavern one night and apparently answered them correctly.
Reeshia Newman
United States
I was hatched in late November 2019. We gathered at a designated location in Mesquite, TX... pond water was had by all and in abundance...LOL
A time was had...!!!
Steven Gillman
United States
Steven Thurston
United States
Mike (Grenade) Theurich
United States
Initiated by another Turtle-USAF pilot about Jun 1995 @ McChord AFB O'Club, WA.
Sorta an old time ago!
Michael Elder
United States
Charlene Y. Atchison
United States
Jennette Caden
United States
Around 1970, Time-Life had a set of books with vinyl record albums depicting manned space flight and space exploration up to Apollo 11 or 12. On one of the albums, someone asked Wally Schirra was in orbit in Sigma 7 and asked him, "Are you a Turtle today?" He absolutely replied, "You bet your sweet ass I am!" (One word was bleeped out on the album, but it was not rocket science to figure it out.) I looked into the Turtles (pre-Internet no less!) and have considered myself a Turtle ever since. Now I can make it official! (PS- Yes. I am a Trekkie, too!)
Mark E Megee
United States
William Fritz
United States
Antonio Fogle
United States
Jason R. Harrison Sr.
United States
Grant Smith
United States
I kept encountering AHOT amongst fraternal brothers and websites so I did a little research and found my way into this glorious pond. YBYSAIA
Garry Krom
United States
New York
Through Tall Cedars of Lebanon
Christopher DeCluitt
United States
I became a Turtle during the annual Masonic concert connected to the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas
Sheldon Byrd
United States
Sammy Ragsdale
United States
Frances Buccilli
United States
Robb Burton
United States
I became a Turtle after learning about it by a Brother.
My profile picture is of an Aspen leaf. Therefore, my Daughter is Aspen - named after the beautiful trees.
Oh, I’m also a Master Mason of Warwick Lodge #336 located in Newport News, Virginia and a 27 year U.S. Air Force retired veteran.
Love it!
- Robb, AKA, “Burto”
Jack Hagan
United States
Decided it was the right thing to do.
Shawn Patterson
United States
Keith Becker
United States
We started small then grew to open ponds world wide. Today it seems out efforts align with yours and we are happy to call ourselves among your ranks.
Katherine Hayden
United States
Okeema Turk
United States
Crystal Bickford
United States
I've been watching for about 5 years. I have been watching a lot more since you started covering Karen Read. I loved what you wrote about the fight at the intersection of Fairmont and Cohassett St. OMG I thought I was going to die laughing. I actually know the people not the ones who were in the car, but the ones who got out first and it didn't show their car. You called one of them fanny pack Felicia. OMG that was the best.
Robert Rodgers
United States
Attended a Masonic Concert in Waco, Texas in January 2023. Seemed like a fun thing to do.
Tevis Madison
United States
I was at a fundraiser event for the Kiwanis Club of Glendale. While my wife and I were eating I invited another couple to share the table with us. I was wearing my own organization attire and they noticed that I had Turtle as my road name. They asked if I was a true Turtle, in which I said how I got the nick name turtle but said I was unaware of what they meant. They in return informed me of the meaning, asked me all the questions, and we ended up talking about the whole back story for over an hour.
Timothy Kosco
United States
New Jersey
Lewi White
United States
I became a turtle in 2013, After going to a meeting with an Imperial Grand Master I loved it so much I asked to Join
james heidbrink
Nicole Spiller-Wright
United States
I was asked by a few of my OES Sisters if I was interested, which I have always been. I did my own research and it brought me to this page.
Jorge Efrain Chavez Blancarte
I met a turtle and decided to join
William Behrend Jr.
United States
United States
United States
A lot of my Mason brothers are turtles, and I always wanted to be one so I became one.
Patrick Wylie
United States
A Brother at Lodge pointed me towards the Pond. I am a Veteran if the US Army, a Mason and Past Master of lodge #247 Neosho Mo.
Evan Turriff
United States
Mags Fay
United States
Joined in college (1975) at a roomies house where her mom was aTurtle. Been one ever since! And own 5 live turtles 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢
Anna Shaw
United States
Richard Hammel
United States
I was at Boy Scout camp, Camp Pioneer, and one of the councilors had a turtle pin. I inquired about it, talked for a while, and he eventually gave me the test & the oath.
Timothy King
United States
Eddie LeBoeuf III
United States
Justin Rowe
United States
Stephen Robinson
United States
Tracy Boddy
United Kingdom
Howard Herm
United States
Natieka Washington
United States
Private initiation for Grand Imperial Snapping Turtle in 2023
Tony Wintz
United States
Sanjay Prasad
United States
While chatting with a buddy in his backyard tiki bar after a day of buffoonery, he asked me some risqué questions that turned out to not be so risqué.
Karen Sharkey
United States
Many years ago in a bar in Hammond, IN.
After my dad had passed away, I found a turtle club card in his wallet. Cool.
Kimberly Ross
Paul Elseth
United States
larry ritz
United States
Visited Marion lodge #56 May of 2021 as our group was leaving I was pulled aside and was asked to do the turtle degree, oh hell yes and what a great privilege it was to have it done in the same Lodge as the Duke did his degrees.
Tyree “Cmoe 2euce”
United States
Hatched as a HardShell (79th anniversary). Then our Pond adopted “Ronin Hood” (81st anniversary). Real TuRTles know THe ResT of THe sToRY. #J12 #38 #43 #79 #80 #81 #YBYSAIA #R80s #RHTeeC #SMRT
Dylan Callahan
United States
Carolann Mahoney
United States
My dad was Army Air Corps in WWII. Came across a reference to Turtles and thought I'd like to find out more. So glad I did!
Terry Perkins
United States
Joshua Bentley
United States
Stephen Starbuck
United States
The South Texas Leatherbacks where created out of a sense of brother and sisterhood. We are Wanderers, nomads, and drifters of the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Turtles. We meet at VFW Post 7108 in San Antonio, TX.
Miles H. Schuman
United States
James Days
United States
bill pemberton
United States
A friend I was tutoring asked if I was a turtle.
Reggie Wagner
United States
My mother was a Turtle.
Anthony Pence
United States
William Reese
United States
In 2002, while Enlisted in the Marine Corps, Me, my Wife, and our group of friends were tested and found worthy.
Jake Bartholic
United States
My parents are turtles.
Jason Flint
United States
Started with the Interstellar Assoc of Turtles when I became a pilot. Also joined the International Assoc of Turtles. So I had a head start on the questions!
Andrew Bartholomew
United States
United States
"You bet your sweet ass I am". I became a Turtle on August 24, 1976, when my father initiated me with the the applicable greeting, and an opportunity to respond accordingly, to the challenge questions. My father then presented me with my membership card; which although tattered, I still have to this day.
Malik Guilford
United States
United States
I was at work. Waiting on my Marine CH-46 Helo to come back from a test flight. Mike McC gave me and a couple other guy's the test. WE all Passed and became Turtles. AUG.15 1984
Ed Sheeran
United States
I became a Turtle while a Civil Air Patrol cadet in 1957. My wife is a Turtle and we have procured many Turtles over the years.
Randy Liebeck
United States
Robert Montgomery
United States
My mother was a Turtle for years and a local Masonic podcast (Masonic Lite Podcast) talked about it and how people could join, so I searched you out. Kind of a tie to my mother who I lost in October.
Christopher Lloyd
United States
Romy Snyder
Lorenzo .
United States
Steve Pedrotti
United States
Kevin Mackey
United States
I enrolled in a Leadership Management Academy an there were "Turtles" there too
John Hayden
United States
South Carolina
I was looking for an anniversary gift for my wife and we LOVE turtles. I stumbled upon this site and here I am!!!! Now a Turtle!
Ayden Thompson
United States
i became a turtle after my uncle randy randomly one day decided to tell me to become a turtle. at first i thought he was insane, asking me if i was a turtle or if i wanted to be one and this and that. but by the end of that I actually ended up becoming one. honestly great decision because i can now do the same thing to others.
Kevin Thomas
United States
Shawn Singeisen
United States
I am a Freemason, and we have a fellow brother that made a bunch of us Turtles during a Nite of Fellowship.
don Heringhaus
United States
James Eggert
United States
Marcello Caviness
United States
North Carolina
Grant Welch
United States
Eric Baxter
United States
Matthew Cuenca
United States
Jason Sanderson
United States
I was made a Turtle by Imperial Turtle Timothy Ward in a Pond of Turtles at South Portland, ME in 2018.
Omar Rosado
United States
Dawnmosha Williams
Kea Renea
United States
OES / S.O.U.L #14
September 2022
🐢Came up on Galveston trip
G.O.D #33's 2nd Annual Boat Party.
Online Initiation - Dont Judge me!
Kyle Markel
United States
I became Turtle though my friend Ian who challenged me with these seeming naughty riddles. However, the answers were wittingly more honest than I first imagined. He was also an Odd Fellow member.
DTurtle Tadeyeske
United States
Yvette Hubbard
United States
Im Yvette. I am a military brat, due to nearly all of my family either being Marine or Navy, most of them in many fraternities. I was doing research on some at 4 a.m. ish and oddly enough drinking, as well as speaking to a friend about fraternities. I made a joke about well known movie that references, The Turtle Club. We laughed, but then was informed that it was a real thing. I wanted to know more.
Mark Mihalik
United States
Emmanuel Ganayo
Guy Moore
United States
Joseph Melchionne
United States
Mikko Kuch
United States
Steve Hayes
United States
nelson Sanchez
United States
JoAnn (Starr) Richardson
United States
Melanie Beebe
United States
I became a turtle as a member of a Fraternal organization that is no longer in operation. I do not have any turtles under me..yet
Steven Ackley
United States
Matthew Schumacher
United States
Edward Bogden
United States
Jason Trim
United States
John Forbes
United States
Received an invite from a friend & couldn't wait to check it out!
Perry Davis
United States
Andrea Jahn
United States
At the annual OES Ga conference, I was asked to become a turtle. We drank, we laughed, and memories were made.
Monterio Harris
United States
BigTeddy Pond was started to gather like-minded brothers and sisters to fellowship and network under one goal of being a turtle. Bloop Bloop!!
Jonathan Underwood
United States
Michael Stecher
United States
Robert Nelson
United States
I’ve always wanted to be more than just a human. I found the Turtles online and being of pure mind and willing to stick my neck out, I had to join.
Rebecca Reese-Miller
United States
Malachi Little
John Youhouse
United States
My Uncle Frank, a WWII veteran serving in the OSS, introduced me to Turtlehood in the early 1970's. I must admit, that my mind was in the"gutter". He talked me through it to get the right answer's. He presented a sticker that I proudly displayed for years on my truck. It read, "Member of the Confederate Order of the Imperial Turtle Association.
Ed Denninger
United States
New York
Brenda Littlefield
United States
A Chaplin in the Widows son’s motorcycle group inducted me to a turtle. His name is Bobo…
United States
I'm a veteran and also a freemason. So it was only right for me to investigate the AHOT and finally became one. Love being one and procuring new turtles, BLOOP BLOOP!
Taylor Raab
United States
Charles Slater
United States
I’m a Master Mason and everyone around me is a turtle and they told me to go online and join.
Timothy Fowle
United States
Lester White
United States
Scott Burnett
United States
Jennifer Eilts
United States
Sharon Dorsette
United States
Travis Slonaker
United States
Well, it came up in conversation with my mum. I found out she was a Turtle. So I thought hey, maybe I could be a turtle too. It might be fun! Thanks for letting me be part of the pond!
Patty Vermillion
United States
Marge Warnement
United States
I’ve always had a fascination for turtles. And learning that my fun natured, bright eyed and bushy tail attitude, with a clean mind I get made fun on for, actually put me in a category with so many others! Makes me feel amazing! A friend told me about being a turtle, and I knew I had to join!
And here I am!
Robert Frankel
United States
Keion Hall
United States
I came to college and didn’t really know anyone when a girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to go out and party during homecoming and when I went we started drinking and I seen turtles who were close and had a bond with each other and we’re drinking a lot more then I could so I wanted to join them for the night and when I did I became close and always hung out with them so I decided to become a turtle to have a closer bond with them and meet new people
Franklin Zepp
United States
Patricia Menard
United States
Jeff Mccall
United States
Dean Fassnidge
United States
Brian Hampton
James Sullivan
United States
Learned about Turtle-dom from my Dad, a Navy Seabee and a Vietnam Vet. Sought out the Turtles after I joined the Navy.
United States
Amber Derrera
United States
My (at the time) mother in law inducted me. It was a memorable and fun night with her. That was in 1997.
Samuel Watson
United States
While at a meeting of another ancient fraternal organization, I was helping a member sort out an issue with his membership card for that organization. And while he was rooting through his wallet, he pulled out a green card and asked me "Are you a Turtle?" So of course, I said "What?". After several minutes of stories and the prescribed questions, I found myself to be a Turtle. The member that had made me a Turtle happened to be an elder member of that organization and a former Vietnam-era Navy fighter pilot. The exchange was rather short but struck me. I was honored that this member chose to share a little bit of his life story with me. And, I am honored to be made a Turtle by him.
Abram Shaffner
United States
John Konior
United States
My grandfather served in the US 7th and 3rd Armies in WW2 France and Germany. His unit was attached to Patton's forces that seiged and captured Metz.
One day when I was going through some of his estate documents what looked like an old library card fell from between the pages of an old hymnal.
Upon further inspection I saw his signature on the "Stony Lake Chapter Roving International Association of TURTLES"
I immediately went online and found and I proud to say I am now the Master Turtle the First Turtle Pond in Florida.
Come visit in Lakeland Florida and ask any of our staff if they're a Turtle.
Chris Trahan
United States
Tom Ahman
United States
On my 26th birthday, my dad invited me to become an AHOOT member. He presented me with several riddles, then inducted me with everyone else at the table laughing and having a really good time. Most were veterans, and a few libations were involved. At first I thought they were pulling my leg and having fun with me, until they all pulled out their membership cards, and handed me mine. He taught me the secret handshake. He told me how he became a turtle while stationed at Hardwick Airfield, near Norwich, England, and several others shared how they were inducted Dad was the left waist gunner on the B-24 bomber, the "Gambling Lady". He served in the 8th AAF, 93rd BG, 409th BS, during WWII.
Kristopher Keller
United States
Janice Podgurski
United States
Alvin Golden
United States
David-Lee Bain
United States
Bill Smith
United States
I was in the United States Navy Seabees stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in 1962. I was at the Red Dog Inn and was asked by a mechanic if I was a turtle, I said no and he inducted me then and there. I have yet to fail to provide the proper response to the questions.
Darrell Smith
United States
Larry Church
United States
I became a Turtle while a student at the University of Illinois, Champaign, IL.
KaDoreyo Manning
United States
julia rogers
United States
Kimberlee Tate
United States
My sorority sister asked me if I wanted to become a turtle. I was like I love turtles so why not. I then asked what is required. So advised that it was secret order and that I need to pass a test. I was like I'm all in. I did the test and I've been happy about it every since.
Yulawnda Jennings
United States
Laura Dubany
United States
My partner knows i love turtles., the occasional drink, being a good person and whimsy and he recruited me.
Christian Hennells
United States
Tara Rose
William Finch
United States
I was sitting with two and then became one.
Delaina Sims
United States
Ed Donaldson
United States
I got procured after a masonic meeting with two other CT’s. I couldn’t get anything right, because we were already indulging in spirits! The rest is history!
justin hedricks
United States
Phillip Drinnon
United States
deon daniels
United States
Richard Minton
United States
Deonica Hawkins
United States
Jonathon Ferguson
United States
Chris Chrzanowski
United States
I was out in the woods one day when I stumbled across an ancient temple dedicated to an honored order of turtles. I was immediately intrigued and longed to learn more about this mysterious organization.
Having heard rumors of a secret initiation ritual, I decided to brave the temple and see if I could uncover more. When I arrived at the entrance, I found myself faced with four large stone turtles. On each turtle was inscribed a question that must be answered correctly in order to gain access.
But just as I was about to answer the first question, a voice from behind me said "Wrong! You don't know enough about turtle philosophy." Startled, I turned around to find an old man wearing a robe covered with turtle scales. He then proceeded to explain the deeper meaning behind the questions and what it meant to join their order.
After listening intently and responding correctly, he granted me entry into the temple where I my journey toward total consciousness.
Stefon Saunders
United States
North Carolina
andrew longsden
United Kingdom
greater manchester
United States
South Carolina
Cliff Pinckney
United States
South Carolina
Linda Hall
United States
My brother was a turtle and when he died they mentioned it in his obituary. My nephew and I became turtles.
Tiffany Anderson
United States
Was on Facebook and saw the #bloopbloop and wanted to know what it meant. So I did some investigation and found the Turtles.
Charles Kately
United States
McKenzie Bauske
United States
Invited by another Turtle
Jerome Gage
United States
I became a turtle in the front room of the house I lived in when I was 10 years old. The Leopp’s And the Qwineville’s were over for a Christmas Party 🎄. Way back in 1972.🐢
Darin Sanden
United States
I am a four time past master with the CA Masons. My wife and I collect turtles and make turtles as art from hard shell gourds. I have interested in becoming a Turtle for some time and finally got around to it.
Brett Chandler-Finch
United States
Discussion with Steve Herring at a sca event sitting around the campfire in 2007 who gave the requisite questions and explained the response along with some of the history of the club
Barry Roffman
United States
When I was 13 my girlfriend introduced me to The took me 50 Years to find you
Royal Emery
United States
Brandon Green
United States
I'm a Indiana freemason. Thought this was a fun piece of history to share with my other masonic bros and bring the turtles to my aera.
Frank Broz
United States
About 20 years ago joined Turtles. My number ID is 1113. I talked with Dave, Lead Turtle, who was out to Stanford for a graduation visit with his daughter.
Since that time, I have signed up over 50 to join.
Aidan Crossen
United States
Ronald Price
United States
Know the password and answer to the riddles when asked while on my boat, USS James Monroe SSBN-622 in Scotland
Richard Rundle
United States
Heard about them in the 70's, something this good is not going anywhere. So I went to search the web a couple years ago and there you were, where you have always been
Latocha Duckworth
United States
Kevin Jackson
United States
I became a turtle through my grand imperial turtle joshua lewis
Christopher Nelson
United States
Michael Newland
United States
Larry Orcutt
United States
a friend found an International Association of Turtles membership card used as a bookmark, so I looked up what this was. As I am retired and on turtle time, and am dedicated to serious drinking and am always game for some fun, so I decided to join the organization.
Allan Moyle
United States
Initiated into Sheridan Wyoming pond on April 11, 1967. Joined Turtle Club Us in 2019 #804.
Tim Donovan
United States
Ricky Swalm
United States
One Saturday night at our state convention we had a ceremony in the President's suite and we all had a great time becoming turtles. That was about 28 years ago.
Ed Fletcher
United States
Denzil Mayle
United States
Eric Vaughn
United States
In Memory of my late Grandfather Robert Truman Vaughn Master Sargent USAF Vietnam.
To honor his memory and keep his spirit alive.
Tom Johnston
United States
I was listening to the Masonic Lite Podcast, heard about the order and thought it would be a fun thing to join.
Anne Castrechino
United States
Pete Ralston
United States
I was inducted into the Order while attending my drill weekend at the Warrant Officer Candidate School in Greenville, KY.
Timothy Johnson
United States
I became a Turtles in 1998 as a freemasonry and Noble (Shriner) of Zafa Temple #176 AEAONMS in Durham, NC.
We would make "turtle soup" occasionally and bring folks into the organization. I once had a green membership card but have misplaced it decades ago.
Jill Lazina
United States
Well, I hatched out off an egg one day & there I was! I’d heard of the Turtle Club 55 ago, but didn’t get an opportunity to join.
Dewey Thompson
United States
Brother Daniel Hanttula from the Masonic Grand Lodge of Oklahoma asked me if I was a Turtle, and having No idea what he was talking about, I answered "No". A short few months later at an "Oklahoma Masonic Cigar and Scotch Degree" Daniel made me a Turtle by asking me the riddles.
It was at that meeting the new Tulsa Pond was created the "Mystic Order of Naughty a Slut Turtles in the Enchanted Realm (M.O.N.S.T.E.R. Pond)".
I have been elected their treasurer for the pond.
Brian Zeppa
United States
United States
Lemuel Howard
United States
Marian Washington
United States
Jeanne Hickey
United States
I’ve been a turtle for about 15+ years. My husband’s friend (both deceased now) from CO procured a bunch of his friends from NY and PA during one of his trips home to NY. Another friend made up stickers for us. I put a pic of a couple of them where my profile pic goes. Their 4WD club was called the High Riders from Rochester, NY. He and myself have matching YBYSAIA state license plates on our 4Runners - his from NY, mine from PA. This was right up my alley because my Dad was a Bombardier on a B-24 in WWII. in the 15th Air Force and became a POW when they had to bail out over Hungary in 1945.. General George S. Patton liberated him. I asked him if he was a Turtle but surprisingly he had not heard of this club or remembered it. He sure had a lot of good stories to tell before he passed in 2017 at age 92. Thanks for organizing this website. People are always asking about my license plate and I tell them about the Turtles but won’t tell them what it means.. I need to buy some “official” swag and membership cards so I can start procuring my own Turtles and maybe create a pond for us to hang out in😀🐢🐢🐢. Happy Turtling! Jeanne
Ashlee Wolfgang
United States
Lou Cobb
United States
David Young
United States
Adam Thompson
Frank Broz
Dave Tester
United States
Francis X. MacFarlane
United States
I was initiated into the Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles in the Summer of 1969 while sailing southbound across the Equator.
Karen Ramsey
United States
Brian Maclean
Nicholas LeMay
United States
Jesse Vargas
United States
1984 met a college in Atlanta Georgia and he was a turtle. Asked me if I wanted to join and asked me a few questions and viola! I’m a Turtle!
Otto Kaske
United States
South Carolina
On the flight deck in the Navy a long time ago!
Darlicia Alexander
United States
During a Four Corners meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Linda Grubbs
United States
Brad Behrman
United States
A friend from the VFW (Forked River Post 10118 )
Carl L. asked If I was a Turtle and the rest is history.
Have taken all of his cards plus all that I have and am busy getting new Turtles.
We are calling ourselves (Bamber Pond in the Pines,NJ )
Marcus Koczenasz-Runkle
United States
Invited by another Turtle.
Joel D Ratliff, Sr.
United States
I became a turtle while stationed in Thailand in the United States Air Force during the early 1970s. I have enjoyed being a turtle and have made many more!
Lamar Pinder
Late one foggy night in the year 2009 in the mystical hills of Humboldt County, I found myself sharing tales of the unknown with my drinking buddies. Little did I know, our laughter echoed through the ears of the ancient and honorable order of the turtles. Intrigued by our camaraderie, a mysterious figure emerged – my future sponsor.
His eyes held the wisdom of generations, for he was made a turtle by his grandfather, an air force hero during World War Two. As the night unfolded, he spoke of a hidden brotherhood, one that met in the depths of an abandoned Masonic temple beneath the Veterans Affairs building in Vallejo, California.
In the clandestine basement, amidst the dimly lit chambers, I was initiated into the enigmatic order, where history and secrecy intertwined. The air was thick with the spirits of those who came before us, guiding us through rituals that transcended time.
As destiny beckoned, I pursued my studies at the California Maritime Academy, a journey that further fortified my bond with the turtles. The Masonic temple became a sanctuary where maritime cadets and veterans convened, sharing stories that wove the tapestry of our connections mainly via libations.
Graduation marked my return to the Bahamas, where I embraced the responsibility passed down through the ages. In the moonlit nights by the ocean, I now carry on the tradition of making turtles, preserving the ancient order's legacy. Each crafted turtle embodies the resilience, strength, and wisdom that binds us across borders and time – a testament to the enduring spirit of the honorable order of the turtles.
Richard Bull
United States
Have heard several people mention the club, but no one told me how to join, so I looked it up on the web and now here I am.
John Dickinson
United States
Gregory Mercer
United States
Zach Jarrott
United States
My name is Zach Jarrott, I am a prior service member and a Master Mason. I discovered the Turtles through Freemasonry, had heard of the Turtles before in my service days but never understood what it was, and I have wanted to become a Turtle for a long time once I was better informed.
Raymond Liebau
United States
Joined in 1984 with my wife.
Jonathan Pinkney
United States
United States
Initiated by high school English teacher in 1970.
Michaun Morrison
United States
Ian Johnson
I was initiated in 2017 at a Masonic function with about 20 others.
Jim Konrad
United States
Jacqueline Ferraro
United States
I attended a turtle party last year in Georgia during an Annual session for our fellow masonic lodge. I was initiated and bought the idea back to my own Grandmaster to start our own pond.
We are having our first turtle party next weekend during our Annual Session for Jerusalem Grand Lodge Inc.
David Kindell
United States
Arcia Moss
United States
Evan McIntosh
United States
Hatched on June 8, 2024 at a joint ceremonial of Shriners in Fryeberg, Maine by Jason H. Sanderson; Snapping Turtle
Michael J Simmons
United States
Barbara Smith
United States
Jermaine Hollis
United States
I was hatched at Camp Humphrey Korea in 2001 in the 348th Quartermaster Company Barracks.
United States
Rob Williams
United States
South Carolina
Became a turtle flying in Vietnam in 1971.
Timothy Golden
United States
United States
Tanner Roe
United States
Murray Leeper
United States
I was initiated in a respectable bar in Cincinnati, Ohio in the early 1960's. I do not remember the name of the Turtle who introduced me to the Brotherhood. My career involved much travel, allowing me to meet many Turtles all over the United States.
Anthony Burgos
United States
andrew Longsden
United Kingdom
Colby Checotah
United States
Iris Cooley
United States
Jose Arreola
United States
South Dakota
Will McCully
United States
Michael Little
United States
Well there I was….. having a beer with Chris Westerdahl and he says “are you a turtle?” To which I replied “no” and the next thing I know he said “we’ll be ready to have your life changed” and dug into his wallet….and the rest is still a mystery!!!
Ashley Bowen
United States
I was initiated into the International order of Turtles in Mannheim Germany in the winter of 2005 by the military Masonic lodge , Guiding Light #95 and have been making turtles ever since. I love and am loyal to my turtles and still keep up with some of them to this very day.
Cindy Bragg
United States
Ryan Gibson
United States
Cristina Morrow
United States
I was initiated on a group trip that included several turtles in Cabo San Lucas on May 10, 2023 by Storm, president of Paradise Snappers and several members of Paradise Snappers, and 2 other ponds in attendance. I had 11 shots of 1800 reserve tequila during my initiation and was given the nickname Cuervo.
Riva Neam
United States
It was back in the day when I was a wee lass, hanging out with friends and generally acting very prim and proper as I always do. At the dive where I worked, I was asked to become a turtle and of course, I got all of the questions correct since I do not have a dirty mind.
The years went by and I never gave it a 2nd thought and then Bam... here comes Dave with his Turtle information and pond and I was once again hooked.
I am in the DC/Metro area desperately searching for a pond of my own. To my dismay, I am finding a lot of folks around here that have absolutely no clue what it takes to be a turtle.
If you know anyone...
Bob Schaeffer
United States
Phil Maiorano
United States
John Weber
United States
Hard work and patience
dan petersen
United States
When my wifes grandma died we were cleaning out her house and found her turtle member card from the seventies. I was curious and looked it up and joined instantly.
Jeff Mccall
United States
Chase Slaughter
United States
Jeff Patient
United States
Matt Suster
United States
My brother is a turtle, and found a card for the ancient honorable order of turtles at a funeral. To carry on his friends legacy he joined, then invited me.
Ricky Hammock
United States
I became a Turtle with my wife Amanda in in 2019 in Louisiana at a Masonic motorcycle rally. My wife Amanda is also a member of my Pond. We have decided to grow our Pond
Peter Jehle
United States
Pinero Peek
United States
Joseph Krupa
United States
Well, when I was in highschool my best friend's mother was/still is a turtle. I asked her about it and she said I could be a member too but I had to answer the 4 riddles. I could not so she didn't let me in. About 10-15 years later I asked again and she sent me the like. I missed one riddle so I passed. Today, July 22, 2022 I answered them all correctly and feel I earned my place.
Ashley Moye
United States
I originally became a Turtle on December 22, 2001, but did not receive a membership card. Then later meet Imperial Turtle Anthony Joseph in 2018 and again in 2023 who elected to sponsor me, and he encouraged me to find a group. This my first time associating with a group (pond).
BEN RUMSON (AKA Dean Springer)
United States
As the newest artillery forward observer assigned to the 2nd BN 9th FA in Pleiku, Vietnam one of my buddies there initiated me into the Turtle Club in late December, 1966. It had become a tradition for those of us who were attached to an infantry company to become a Turtle. We had no certificates or member cards of course but we certainly failed to answer the questions with clean minds but after 4 shots of 151 rum it didn't matter.
Tony Butler
United States
After the raising of a few new Master Masons we go together for celebration and fellowship to honor the new members. During the celebration it was asked RUA...To which I had no idea how to answer. A fellow mason who had already answered the call, but did not respond correctly was called out and in turtle fashion treated the others to a round. It was very reminiscent of my time in the Marine Corps with challenge coins, and I said that I must be a part of this. Several of my fellow Masonic brothers joined in, and the rest as they say is history.
Joseph Hernandez
United States
I became a Turtle during Grand Communication 2023 for GLOTX. I have since, been slowly and with deliberations, have procured more Turtles. These have mostly been close friends. I am open to having a community that meets once/twice a month.
Mark Salvati
rodger carter
United States
at a party on kentucky lake
David Eason
United States
Laytin Reis
United States
John Hein
United States
A friend of mine became an Honorary Turtle and shared it with me and I felt this was something I would be very interested in.
Joshua Rice
United States
One night at guys night I said guys we should be turtles in a turtle club. Because we are slow but we always have fun.
Matthew Britton
United States
I became a turtle member at Masonic camp at the end of July of 2023. Along with five other brothers. The ritual was done by brother David Dumonceaux.
Torres Mayfield
United States
Wayne Adams
United States
I was offered the opportunity by a turtle member
Carmen Salas
United States
My Uncle who was a sheriff & survived a been shot, became a forensic composite artist for the Los Angeles police department. He & my father became members of the Footprinters Association…almost all members were Turtles. At 21 (1964) I became a turtle!
Somewhere I still have my original card!
Christopher Cannon
United States
A friend of mine initiated me some years back.
He just so happened to be a large brother of mine and had a turtle function!
(Bka Pond)
Eric Norem
United States
Robert Frankel
United States
Charles Insley
United States
Ian Catto
United States
Dick Gorman
United States
Shawn Molina
United States
Became a Turtle during a Masonic Scottish Rite Reunion at the Valley of Galveston in the Spring of 2011. Initiated over 30 over the next several years.
Samuel Anderson
United States
Roberto Rivera
United States
Seth Myers
United States
In my youth, I was working as a Front Desk Manager at a hotel near my home. I would have a regular guest, Guy Cooley, that would stop and talk with me for, at least, half an hour every time he checked in and checked out. He would always ask me these riddles that I thought were a little dirty, but I would think about them and I answered them "cleanly". To which, he was surprised that a person of my age wouldn't have their mind in the gutter and answer with the low hanging fruit, dirty answers that so many people gave him prior.
On one of his final trips he slipped me a card that said "Are you a Turtle?" A little confused, I asked what was the story behind it. He then told me his story and how he became a Turtle and asked if I would like to become a Turtle as well. Of course, I agreed and that was that. I always greeted him with a smile and he would always ask if I was a Turtle and proudly gave him the official answer.
I never knew that there was such a strong following, as I mostly forgot about it, until I started at my new job where a gentleman would come around and ask other people "Are you a Turtle?". Immediately I snapped back to 20 years prior and when he finally asked me I said "You bet your sweet ass I am.". His eyes lit up and we've been swapping riddles ever since. We've even brought another person into the Turtle Club and were excited to start our own "Pond".
United States
My pop, James Langley hooked me up with a membership!