Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles logo



Northwest Arkansas River Cooters

Master Turtle (MT)

Cody Davis

Optional Officer Roles

As you fill out your Officer roles in your Pond you can update and edit your listing.

Need all members of the Ancient and Honorable Turtles of NW Arkansas to email at I would like to know who you are and would like to start scheduling meetings once a month once we get started.

Springdale, AR 72764
United States
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Senior Snapper (SS)

Darrell Goff

Junior Turtle

JD Ford

Senior Conductor Turtle (SCT)

Stuart Scroggins

Junior Conductor Turtle (JCT)

Zackary Jarrott

Turtle Secretary (TSecy)

Kerrie Campbell

Turtle Treasurer (TTr)

Debra Davis

Turtle Marshal (TMar)

Mitchell Davis