Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles logo



Sam's Sexii Snappas

Master Turtle (MT)

Sam-Grand-Imperial Thornton

Optional Officer Roles

As you fill out your Officer roles in your Pond you can update and edit your listing.

We meet at bars and restaurants in 100 cities worldwide. Our pond is under the leadership of the American Turtle Fraternity (ATF) and GIT Sam Thornton.

123 Main St
Dallas, TX 75210
United States
Map It

Senior Snapper (SS)

Trudi James

Junior Turtle

Tabatha Brobbey

Senior Conductor Turtle (SCT)

LuLu White

Junior Conductor Turtle (JCT)

Hawa Wiley

Turtle Secretary (TSecy)

Jacqueline Dudley

Turtle Treasurer (TTr)

LaTrenda Edwards

Turtle Marshal (TMar)

Dimitrius Harrington

Turtle Warden (TW)

Captain Jack Watson

Turtle Chaplain (TC)

Loretta Young