Bloop! Bloop!!
The Laughter Crusader and The Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles: A Partnership in Spreading Joy
In a world darkened by stress and strife, one superhero emerges as a beacon of joy and laughter:...
Celebrating National Pickleball Day: The Power of Exercise, Fellowship, and Laughter
Today is a day that many might not have marked on their calendar, but its significance is one that...
Continuing the Legacy of the Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles
In the annals of history, there exists a timeless tradition that traces its roots back to the...
Collaborate with Turtles in Afghanistan
Sam joined our Pond a couple of years ago and recently received a Charter for a Pond in Kabul,...
Beyond Gentlemen’s Clubs: Exploring the Intriguing World of Exclusive Societies, including the Ancient Order of Turtles
Gentlemen's clubs have long been associated with exclusivity, camaraderie, and unique traditions....
Reverend McYertle Chatbot
Technology is great when it is useful or fun. Our newest member of the Turtle Club Us team is an...
Turtles Moving Quickly
Amidst the vast array of continents to explore, the notion of Afghanistan didn't prominently...
4 Awesome Turtle Fraternity Questions
Where did the Turtle Fraternity Questions come from you ask? Learn about their origin, what the motivation was, and why it is so much fun.
Order To The Turtles
Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles, only where is the order? I'm constantly amazed and humbled...
World Turtle Day
Let's Shellebrate®! World Turtle Day® is May 23, 2023 sponsored by American Tortoise Rescue! ...
Directory Instructions
One of the common questions I get involves a directory of members. Can I look up a member or am I...
Procure Members
The world needs more Turtles! Here is the way to bring your friends in on the fun. Watch the video...