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Collaborate with Turtles in Afghanistan

Collaborate with Turtles in Afghanistan

Sam joined our Pond a couple of years ago and recently received a Charter for a Pond in Kabul, Afghanistan, the Kabul-Ancient Koa Ark Organization. Sam has been very sincere and open about the unique situation in Kabul. Unemployment is over 90% and his goal is to form...
Reverend McYertle Chatbot

Reverend McYertle Chatbot

Technology is great when it is useful or fun. Our newest member of the Turtle Club Us team is an AI Chatbot that you can talk to. He will share information about our club, tell you Riddles and Jokes and more. You will find him hanging out in the lower right part of...
Collaborate with Turtles in Afghanistan

Turtles Moving Quickly

Amidst the vast array of continents to explore, the notion of Afghanistan didn’t prominently surface. However, a remarkable development is unfolding—a Pond is being established in Kabul, Afghanistan, by the venerable Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles! From...