SMS Join Riddles What does a man do standing up, a woman sitting down and a dog on three legs?This field is hidden when viewing the formQ1 AnsweredThis field is hidden when viewing the formQ1 CorrectWhat is it that a cow has four of and a woman only has two of?This field is hidden when viewing the formQ2 AnsweredThis field is hidden when viewing the formQ2 CorrectWhat is a four letter word ending in K that means the same as intercourse?This field is hidden when viewing the formQ3 AnsweredThis field is hidden when viewing the formQ3 CorrectWhat is it on a man that is round and hard and sticks so far out of his pajamas you can hang a hat on it?This field is hidden when viewing the formQ4 AnsweredThis field is hidden when viewing the formQ4 CorrectThis field is hidden when viewing the formAll Questions AnsweredThis field is hidden when viewing the formAll Questions CorrectYou’re not quite pure-minded enough yet, there is an answer incorrect.Congratulations! You are a Turtle! Once you click the button below you will have the opportunity to join our exclusive Turtle Directory!Name(Required) First Last Your Procurement Date(Required)Format: {DD/MM/YYYY} Pick your date (to the best of your recollection) or leave as today.Email(Required) PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.